How Yoga Gave me A New Perspective Of Life.
I’ve always loved to move my body. I have always loved to move my body. I’ve been a serial gym bunny over the past 12 years, with a sprinkling of running on top. Exercise was important, and still is to this day. But my ‘why’ behind exercising then, and now, are two universe’s apart.
Younger Mel believed that she needed to work out to fit into ‘that’ dress, or those shorts, you know the ones that you hang onto in desperate hope of fitting into one day? Yep. Them. Working out, whilst I loved it, was to look a certain way. To stay skinny. So that I fitted in, and the boys liked me, if you know what I mean.
It was totally surface value, and normally went hand in hand with what I ate. Oh I ate some chocolate (hot tip, I’m a choco-holic), I better go for a run! Eekk, just sitting here writing this makes me feel icky. It was a negative relationship, and a negative spiral. And one that has taken me a LONG time to creep out of.
When Addie (my labrador) came into my life 18 months ago that was the first trigger in my mindset shift around exercise, because walking her was more important than going to the gym. So less gym workouts, more morning walks with my little furr baby. In a short period of time I could feel the shifts begin within my life.
And then I found Yoga. And the healing process really took off.
I began to connect to my body, to appreciate it, and to move it with love and grace. My negative thought patterns began to subside, I started to speak kindly to myself and to cheer myself on rather than put myself down.
My relationship with food began to shift. If I ate chocolate, I ate chocolate. Everything in moderation is perfectly acceptable. I released the feeling of needing to go out and run it off. It was a pivotal moment.
Yoga helped me to see who I really was under all the layers of conditioning. It helped me to come home to myself, and to begin to love myself, exactly the way I am. Imperfections & all. Yoga has allowed me to be me, my true authentic self.
It’s wonderful to finally feel as though you can be yourself. That you no longer need to wear a mask to fit in or to be accepted. That you can really embrace your Truth, and live life your own way.
I never realized how much I cared about what others said or thought about me. Especially on an appearance level. Until now. I’m so grateful that I no longer feel the push to look externally for validation, it’s incredibly liberating.
I have now finished my Yoga Teacher Training and combine the principles of Yoga through my Coaching. I support women to reconnect to their higher Self, and the philosophy behind Yoga is exactly that. To still the mind and come back to the Self.
If you feel disconnected and lost in life, perhaps you should start a daily Yoga practice. I’d like to point out that the most important part of Yoga is meditation, so more than a daily Asana practice, you should start a daily meditation practice. Stick with it for 21 days, and you will see the results in your life.
Are you a regular Yogi? I’d love to know your thoughts on the practice of Yoga, drop me a comment below and let me know how Yoga has changed your life! xx